elimination diet – day 8

symptoms: I felt good for most of the day and even went for a good 45-min walk to enjoy the beautiful autumn sun. I don’t know why I had macadamia nuts though, I probably ended up eating more than 2 oz, I just loved to have something crunchy for a change! A few hours later, I started having reflux and bloating (although not the same kind of bloating than usual, at a higher level on my stomach). So I guess the macadmia are not a good choice because they are addictive for me and although they don’t make me feel as bad as other foods, I want to feel better than that. Back to meat, eggs and fat tomorrow… for at least a few days before trying something else.

elimination diet – day 7

symptoms: all of my yesterday’s symptoms were gone by the time I woke up and I felt good until a couple of hours after lunch.

I started feeling tired, so I had a spoonful of coconut oil to give me energy, but it kept getting worse and soon I had brain fog + abdominal pain + bloating.

I couldn’t figure out what I could have eaten… but then realized that the beef I had at lunch was cooked in a broth with turnips. I was careful about removing all the turnip and not having the broth, because FODMAPs are water-soluble, but I guess there were enough FODMAPs that made their way in the meat to make me sick… Something I ‘ll sure remember next time…

elimination diet – day 6

symptoms: great start of the day, but I think that the turnip didn’t agree with me… I kept the amount very small, at 1/4 cup , but according to the data, they do contain small amounts of sorbitol and I guess my GI tract doesn’t like polyols at all… unless it is my little bit of lettuce from yesterday?

Well, I think I’ll keep the veggies out for now… It is hard and I feel so limited in my food choices and am cravings veggies so bad! lol

No dinner tonight, not hungry, had heartburn, nausea, extreme fatigue, brain fog, abdominal pain and discomfort and bloating…

I may have a spoonful of coconut oil a bit later this evening.

elimination diet – day 5

symptoms:  although I felt slightly bloated this am (probably due to the 10 almonds I had last night, can you believe it?), everything was back to normal within a couple of hours! Good energy, good mental clarity & focus, no discomfort for the rest of the day!

elimination diet – day 4 [update]


Just a quick update to yesterday’s post. A bit later in the evening, I was very hungry and decided to try about 10 blanched and soaked almonds. What the heck, it was Friday night after all! lol It was good and calmed my hunger.

However, this morning I woke up bloated (slight to medium) and with abdominal discomfort. Mental clarity still there luckily! 😉 Since I added 3 different foods to my diet yesterday [2 nori sheets, 5 green beans and 10 almonds], it’s hard to know what to blame…

I know, it was a bit stupid of me to add more than one food at once, but we learn.

I want to believe it is the almonds so I won’t try them again anytime soon… Will feed them to my boyfriend! lol