a fresh start

Hey! It’s amazing how things have changed in the last 3 weeks and I am happy I have taken some time to seek medical attention and recover. Since last time, I had:

  • a diagnosis of blastocystis hominis infection
  • 2 courses of anti-parasitic Tinidazole (2 g each time taken a week apart)
  • probiotics
    • yeast: Saccharomyces Boulardii
    • lactic acid bacteria: homemade sauerkraut
  • ADP oil of oregano from Biotics Reserch
  • digestive enzymes with hydrochloride betaine
  • L-glutamine
  • wild fish oil
  • vitamin D
  • magnesium
You can learn more about my symptoms and the doses I am using in my own personally-designed healing protocol: getting rid of blastocystis hominis.
Since I first started my Paleo challenge, I have remained gluten-free, grain-free, legume-free and dairy-free (with the exception of butter and cream), which probably helped. I want to take the next 30 days to continue healing my gut, regain my energy and lose the few pounds I put on + the ones I wanted to get rid in the first place.
Starting tomorrow and for the next 30 days, I will be posting my daily meals on this blog!

to be continued

I will be putting this blog on hold for a few weeks for now. I have been complaining of bloating and GI distress accompanied by severe fatigue, trouble concentrating and brain fog, which hasn’t improved on the Paleo diet. Now I understand why, it was all due to a parasite infection: blastocystis hominis. Unfortunately, my gastroenterologist is away at a conference in Europe this week so I have to wait yet another week to know what the next steps are. I can’t stress enough how badly I want to get rid of this nasty friend I probably brought back as a nice souvenir from South America.

Therefore, I will be keeping all of my energy to recover. I will continue eating Paleo because I believe that 1) avoiding gut irritants is crucial with all the GI damages that can be caused by parasites, 2) keeping my carbs low can probably help minimize my symptoms by avoiding feeding the parasite and 3) eating Paleo simply is the healthiest way to eat.  Now I understand that my intense sugar and carb cravings were probably caused by the parasite…

Whenever my health gets sorted out, I plan on doing a new 30-day challenge because I am confident that my overall health and energy levels will greatly benefit! And the best of all is that I have convinced my boyfriend, who have been eating Paleo-ish (no grains nor legumes but lots of dairy + sugar), to do the challenge with me. I think it will be interesting to see the progression, especially that we have different goals. My goals are to improve my gut health and lean out, while his goals are to get rid of GERD (which he has been dealing with for over 10 years… and he’s only 27!) and gain muscle mass. I’ll be tracking both of our meals and progress, hopefully within a few weeks.

Because we get better with practice, I feel like my next attempt will be successful as I will built on what I have learned with my first challenge. My goals are to eat 3 meals a day and avoid snacking. I believe that I felt the need to snack because 1) I had very bad cravings, probably from the parasite and 2) I wasn’t eating enough protein. I plan on increasing my protein from 3-4 oz per meal to 5-6 oz. My boyfriend will be in the 8 oz. range. I can’t wait to get started again, but first thing first: let’s kill that bug!

‘Till then, take care and I hope you have started your own Paleo challenge! 😉

day 21

breakfast [10h30am: soaked almonds + macadamia nuts]


lunch [12h00: leftovers chicken curry]


dessert [12h30: 1 fig + coconut cream + dried coconut]


pm snack [3h30pm: 2 free-range eggs + gluten-free tamari sauce]


dinner [6h00pm: lemon chicken inspired by The Food Lovers Primal-Palate: free-range chicken + lemon + cauliflower rice + coconut oil + green beans]


dessert [6h30pm: dark chocolate]


day 20

breakfast [9h00am: leftovers grass-fed ground beef + onions + 1 free-range egg]


lunch [12h30: chicken coconut curry recipe from “Primal Blueprint Cookbook”: cauliflower + onion + free-range chicken + coconut milk]


snack [3h00pm: Australian macadamia nuts]


dinner [7h00pm: coconut oil + broccoli + mushroom + grass-fed beef + garlic]


dessert [7h45pm: 4 squares dark chocolate]


day 19

breakfast [10h30am: leafy greens + free-range chicken leg + balsamic vinegar]


snack [3h00pm: coconut cream + organic dried coconut + 1 fig + handful soaked insecticide-free almonds]


dinner [5h30pm: 2 “fajitas” with lettuce leaves + free-range ground beef + tomatoes + guacamole]


dessert [6h30pm: 4 squares dark chocolate]


I have decided to allow myself to have some chocolate. I am going through a pretty rough patch right now health-wise and this is something that helps me feel better, so I’ll have it if I feel like it! I realize I may have to start my 30 day challenge all over again after my health issues get sorted out because I haven’t been able to benefit from eating Paleo at all (or maybe it would have been worse if I hadn’t, who knows?) Anyway, my gastroenterologist called me this am to tell me that my blood liver enzymes and pancreatic enzymes are elevated and I will have an ultrasound this Monday. I feel like a third-world kit, with a huge belly. I have no energy and in pain most of the day. My appetite, especially in the morning is almost non-existent but I force myself to eat a little as it always seems to make me feel slightly better afterwards. Anyway, I can’t wait ’till this get sorted out and I will try the 30 day challenge, take 2! =)

day 18

breakfast [9h00am: 1 hard-boiled free-range egg + free-range chicken mixed with homemade mayo]


lunch [12h30: salad + free-range chicken + sun-dried tomatoes + avocado + balsamic vinegar + extra virgin olive oil]


pm [3h00pm: 2 free-range hard-boiled eggs + gluten-free tamari sauce + 1 spoonful coconut butter]


dinner [5h30pm: grass-fed beef + sun-dried tomatoes + avocado + broccoli + mushroom + balsamic vinegar]


dessert [6h00pm: 4 squares dark chocolate]


I have been feeling pretty bad today, especially after taking the medication I was prescribed yesterday. I felt soooo tired and dizzy at time and my stomach was upset so I felt like I deserved that chocolate! 😉 Hopefully, things will be better tomorrow…. and I really hope that my problem was due to a nasty bug and that the Rx killed it! Note to myself: buy probiotics to take after the 2nd dose of these meds.

day 17

I finally saw a gastroenterologist today and I am glad she agreed that the “Western diet” label the vegan doctor I saw last week put on my file was quite irrelevant. We actually had a good laugh at it.  Anyway, I was happy she took my concerns seriously and she feels quite positive I may have a parasite or other similar infections in my intestines. What a nice souvenir from South America! lol Anyway, I will be taking some anti-parasitic drugs after I get some stool samples and blood work done. I really hope that this will be the end of my GI issues and that I will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of Paleo eating very soon!! =)


breakfast [8h30am: diced free-range chicken breast + avocado + homemade sun-dried tomato & basil mayo]


lunch [12h30: leftovers from yesterday]


dinner [6h00pm: broccoli + mushrooms + red bell pepper + free-range beef + ginger + rice vinegar + gluten-free tamari sauce + sesame oil]


dessert [6h30pm: 1 spoonful (or 2) of coconut butter! 😉 ]
